Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Movies

For the next couple of weeks I want to take a little time to blog about my favorite Christmas movies. So tonight I would like to talk about National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. This is an all time classic. It is the 20Th anniversary of this funny movie. I think I like it so much, because as outrageous as it is, I could see this happening at my house. I could see the tree being lite on fire, or a cat blowing up. I could see my house with 10,000 twinkling lights. Come who doesn't have a relative like cousin Eddie. The person who makes you cringe every time they are around. But in all this movie just makes me laugh my butt off. So when the holidays get crazy, I just pop this movie into the DVD player and laugh for a good hour and a half, before I have to go back the reality of my crazy life. So this makes one of my all time favorite Christmas movies because of the laughs and one liners and the relatives that make you cringe.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tammy's Two Cents: My 5 Year Old

Tammy's Two Cents: My 5 Year Old

My 5 Year Old

My beautiful, amazing son come home from pre-school last week with an art and craft project. Nothing unusual about that, kids bring home there art projects all the time, right? Well my sons art work was a turkey and this was special turkey. This turkey was wearing a "boobie holder" aka a bra. At first I was a little shocked. But then the more I looked at it and thought about it, I just had to laugh. I mean life is so short, why not laugh. OK my 5 year is a little obsessed with boobies, is that so wrong?

Dog Parks

Just a quick blog about Charlie. When we took our dogs to the dog park, Harley our doberman was great. She would play and make friends with all the dogs in the park.
Charlie also made friends, but he had some issues. Charlie was the dog in the dog park that would drink all the water out of other dog's bowls. Then being the nice dog he was, he would refill all those bowls he emptied. He would Pee in them to refill the bowls. Good boy Charlie, you made us proud.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Let me start by saying Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

I do love Thanksgiving. Being with family, just enjoying the day and each others company. And of course the food, how can you not love the food. But what I love most about Thanksgiving is the leftovers. For me, turkey always tastes better the day after. My Friday after Thanksgiving starts with me rising in the early a.m. to do my Black Friday shopping. And then return home for a great turkey sandwich lunch. But one year it did not work out that way.

We had a beagle named Charlie. He was a good dog most of the time. But that 1% of the time, he was the devil dog in disguise. We had just finished a morning of shopping and was coming home to enjoy some leftover turkey. As soon as we opened the door, we knew something was seriously wrong. No we had not been robbed, it was worse then that. Charlie had gotten into the refrigerator again. Yes again, this was not the first time.

See we had this old refrigerator and if Charlie rubbed his nose the right way between the door and frig, it would pop open. Well inside that fridge was 2 tubberwares full of my grandmother's turkey. Possibly the best turkey under the sun. I love the white meat, my husband is a dark me guy. But getting back to my story. We had walked into the house and to our horror we say tubberware ripped apart all over the floor.

This dog somehow was able to get 2 tubberware containers open. What was worse was the turkey was all gone. The one tubberware containing all the white meat had nothing left in it, the tubberware containing all the dark meat had nothing left. How could this be? How could a 40 lb dog eat all that turkey? And the next question was, where were the bones? Did he eat the whole turkey leg, including the bone? It could not be possible. Could it?

Well all we had to do was look at Charlie to get our answer. Our 40 lb beagle now looked like a keg barrel with feet. That dog was big, round and no longer walked, he waddled like he was nine months pregnant with triplets. My next thought was, can't eating all that turkey kill a dog. No not my beagle, for he was a special dog with special eating powers.

For the next week this barrel of a dog waddled around. When he went out to do his business, he couldn't hunch over to poop, so he just walked as it fell out of his behind. He even pooped out a few bones. Needless to say Charlie lived to see another day and kept getting into the fridge and eating whatever his little heart desired.

All I remember is that was the year without leftovers.

Charlie has since passed on, and believe it or not, it was not from overeating. He will be missed this Thanksgiving, but at least I know, my turkey sandwich is safe.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Dog Harley

I had a beautiful doberman named Harley. My husband and I bought her from a breeder in May of 1997. She passed away this July. She was 12 years old and we were told we were lucky to have a doberman live that long. She was healthy up until the night she had a stroke walking up the stairs. We lost her the next morning. The kicker was that at the time I was 8 months pregnant with my son, Dominic. I never really got to mourn her passing. I was too busy rushing off to doctor's appointments and taking care of my 5 year son.

Now and here I want to pay her the respect she so deserves. She was my first baby. I remember the ride home from PA were we got her back to our home in NJ. She sat on my lap the whole ride, just staring up at me with those big brown eyes.

My husband and I were nervous when we introduced another dog into our life in 2000. A beagle we rescued named Charlie. Yes we had 2 dogs, Harley and Charlie. That was not planned. Anyway stories about Charlie will come in later blogs.

Harley learned to love Charlie in her own little way. But I am going off course. I will have many delightful stories about Harley and Charlie. But right now I just want to say, Harley I miss you terribly, you were the best dog I have ever had. You were my little girl. I miss you in the middle of the night when we are having a thunderstorm, and you are not there to jump on the bed and hide under the covers with me. I miss you when I open the refrigertar door and pull out a slice of cheese and you are not there waiting for your slice. I miss you in the morning when you would stick that cold nose in my side, because that was your way of letting me know you had to go and go bad. I just plain miss you.

I love you Harley, the best dog in the world.